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Victoria HORB


Introduction. Modern economic dynamics and constant changes in the business environment present enterprises with the need for constant adaptation and improvement of their competitiveness. Competitiveness management becomes a strategic problem for the management of enterprises in efforts to ensure stable and successful operations in conditions of increased competition. Despite the general recognition of the importance of competitiveness, many enterprises face difficulties in understanding and effectively managing this concept. Practical and strategic aspects of competitiveness management remain insufficiently studied and developed, which makes it difficult for enterprises to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage. Understanding the causes and factors affecting competitiveness, as well as developing effective strategies for managing this indicator, is a critical task for ensuring the long-term success of enterprises in a global economic environment.

The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical aspects of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in the conditions of the modern economic environment.

Results. During the writing of the article, the theoretical aspects of the concept of "management of the competitiveness of the enterprise", factors affecting the competitiveness of the enterprise and their role in modern conditions were analyzed.

Originality. The conducted analysis and highlighted research results in the article will contribute to the scientific discourse, expanding the understanding and application of various strategies and methods of managing the competitiveness of the enterprise in the conditions of the modern economic environment.

Conclusion. The ability to effectively manage the competitiveness of activities becomes a key factor for the success of modern enterprises in a competitive environment. Based on the conducted research, it was determined that this process requires a complex and systematic approach. One of the main components of competitiveness is the development of an effective strategy. The enterprise must take into account not only internal resources, but also analyze the external environment, competitors and opportunities for development: 1) financial and personnel resources are important elements of competitiveness management. The use of effective economic and psychological motivations helps to ensure a high level of activity and efficiency of personnel; 2) adaptation to changes in the external environment is key to ensuring sustainable competitiveness. Management mechanisms must be flexible and quickly respond to changing market conditions; 3) the systematic approach to managing the competitiveness of the enterprise is determined by its organizational and legal form and the specifics of the industry. It is important to develop and implement strategies that take into account all aspects of the enterprise; 4) competitiveness management should become an ongoing process that includes constant monitoring and analysis of results, as well as improvement of strategies based on the received data. These conclusions serve as a basis for further research and development of strategies for managing the competitiveness of enterprises in modern conditions.

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