Main Article Content
In today's world, educational institutions face constant pressure to innovate and effectively manage projects. This requires the development of new management approaches that would take into account changing market conditions and requirements. This article considers the topical issue of the development of adaptive management models of innovative project activities of educational institutions, taking into account the principles of economic interaction and competitiveness.
The authors draw attention to the key aspects of effective management of projects and innovations in the educational sphere, such as strategic planning, resource provision, monitoring and performance evaluation. An analysis of modern trends in the field of education was carried out and the main challenges faced by educational institutions in the process of implementing innovative projects were highlighted. Based on the analysis of scientific research and practical experience, proposals have been developed for the introduction of adaptive management models aimed at increasing the competitiveness of educational institutions and ensuring their effective development in the conditions of the modern market environment.
Specific recommendations for the implementation of adaptive management models aimed at increasing the competitiveness of educational institutions based on developments in the field of project management and innovation are offered. The results of the conducted research can be useful for heads of educational institutions, scientists in the field of management and all those interested in improving the education system and thanks to which they will be able to gain valuable insights on how to effectively implement innovations and manage projects in the conditions of constant changes in the market of education and educational services.
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