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Oleksandr YAKUSHEV


The article deals with topical issues regarding the implementation of innovative project activities in the processes of economic interaction and the development of competitiveness of clustering with the participation of educational institutions. The authors investigate the role of educational institutions in the formation of an innovative environment in cluster structures and their contribution to strengthening the competitiveness of regions. Approaches to the integration of education with the economy through the implementation of projects and initiatives aimed at creating innovative products and services are analysed. The research is based on the analysis of the practical experience of implementing innovations in clustered industries, as well as on the review of scientific sources on this topic. A comprehensive approach to the integration of education with the economy in the context of clustering contributes to the creation of a favourable environment for the development of innovative ideas and their further commercialization. The article examines in detail the tools and methods that can be used by educational institutions to support innovative projects within clusters. Possible obstacles and challenges those educational institutions may face during the implementation of such initiatives, as well as ways to overcome them, are also highlighted. The relationship between regional development tasks and the functioning of innovative and educational clusters in the context of the activation of business processes is outlined. The sequence of stages of creation of innovative and educational clusters at the regional level is given. The prerequisites for the development of innovative and educational clusters in the region have been formed.

The results of the study will help to expand the understanding of the processes of interaction between education and the economy in the context of the development of clustering and are of practical importance for the management of clusters and the development of economic interaction in the region.

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