Main Article Content
Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of the dissemination and use of information and communication technologies, which is the key to improving working conditions, expanding social contacts and making significant progress in education, social services, and healthcare, which is the key to increasing productivity and expanding opportunities for business and the economy as a whole.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to study the main international ICT research programmes and assess the degree of spread of information and communication technologies in Ukraine. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks: to define the essence and content of ICT, to analyse and study the main international research programmes in the field of ICT, to assess the degree of spread of information technologies in the country.
Results. The article highlights the essence and content of the concept of "information and communication technologies" and reveals their role in the information society. The main international ICT research programmes are studied, the areas of assessment and indicators for comparing the degree of development of information and communication technologies in different countries and regions are defined. The state of information and communication technologies in Ukraine and in the world is analysed and assessed. Ukraine's rating is determined in accordance with the grouping by income levels and the indicators by which Ukraine demonstrates the highest and lowest results are identified. The main directions for the development of ICT potential in the country are outlined.
Originality. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the development of recommendations for the spread of ICT in Ukraine by evaluation components that include the use of human capital.
Conclusion. Modern society is characterised by the growth of computerisation, which is associated with a high level of distribution of technological and communication devices that are very modern, sophisticated and make it easier to communicate, work, establish contacts and entertain ourselves.
It is only natural that the development of information and communication technologies will continue to progress. New devices and technologies will constantly appear, opening up new opportunities. Therefore, the prospects for further research should be focused on the study of new indicators of the level of development and use of information technologies with a focus on the protection of personal data, privacy and general integrity of users.
Article Details
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