Main Article Content
Introduction. The difficult situation in the innovation sphere in Ukraine requires in-depth research in the context of organizational and economic ensuring for innovation in the hospitality industry.
Purpose. The research is aimed at deepening the conceptual approach and providing practical recommendations for improving the organizational and economic ensuring the innovative development of hotel enterprises operating in the conditions of innovative economic environment.
Results. In the context of enhancing the hotel industry’s innovation potential, the importance of hotel services digitalization is argued. It is identified that the formation of an innovative development vector of domestic hotel industry enterprises can be fully realized only if favorable conditions are created at the State level. It is proven that the organizational and economic ensuring of innovative development should take into account both the generalization of the organizational and economic ensuring theoretical foundations in modern conditions and the substantiation of its elements and interrelationships by individual management subsystems, which should be presented in the form of a mechanism.
Originality. An organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the innovative development of hotel enterprises has been formed on the basis of a synergistic combination of all stimulating elements, both at the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels. The potential and targeted instruments of this mechanism are revealed. Scientific and methodical recommendations on selection and implementation of specific organizational, economic, technical and technological measures that create prerequisites for ensuring real competitive advantages of an enterprise in an unstable external environment are proposed. A conceptual model has been built, which allows combining all the basic elements of the organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring the innovative development of hotel enterprises.
Conclusions. The key indicator of implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism laid down in the conceptual model is the coefficient of innovation activity, the steady growth of which indicates the effectiveness of the use of incentive instruments to ensure the innovative development of hotel enterprises. The synergistic combination of the mechanism's incentive elements at the macro- and microeconomic levels will create a legislative framework for hospitality industry institutions to use the potential of state support, taking into account both administrative and financial aspects. An indicative approach should become the basis for a regional pool of supportive measures aimed at increasing the innovation intensity of processes in the hotel business. Determining the targeted need for state support, taking into account the regional peculiarities of the hotel business development, will significantly increase the effectiveness an organizational and economic ensuring mechanism for the innovative development of hotel enterprises.
An important role in enhancing the innovation potential of hotel enterprises is assigned to the formation of a high-quality innovation management system at the organizational level, the main priorities of which should be the formation of hotel staff motivation for innovative development, increasing the hotel staff’s receptivity to innovation, identifying innovative requests of visitors, benchmarking of innovation processes, introduction of innovative products and services; evaluation of the effectiveness of innovation development.
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