
Pavlenko Oksana Pavlovna


Introduction. Investments and investment process is realizing very slow in Ukraine, especially it concerns  of modern enterprises development of with seasonal production. So these issues are very relevant and outstanding in enterprises of various sectors. Along with this there is a need of investment resources and determining their optimal structure.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify and overcome the problems of investment activity realizing in Ukraine, as well as identifying of funding sources of  its investment resources.

Methods of retrospective analysis of investment, financing sources and the formation of investment resources are used in the article.

Results. Investment processes in the real economy can take place with clear investment programs and projects. The selection of objects for investment should realize with the criterion - maximum efficiency and the lowest cost funds and time. The process of investment activity is defined of term investment management. Investment planning should precede the depth analysis of economic evaluation of taking into account the risks and inflation. The  investment activity is the basis for the future development of the economy. The more investments in the current year, the better gross domestic product in the future.

Originality. The author divided the separated components of the mechanism of realizing of mandated investment activity in Ukraine. The dynamics indices and structure of capital investments of economic activity in Ukraine are analyzed. It is recommended to take account of the infrastructure investment market that provides  the provision of services to buyers and sellers of investment instruments. Schemes of  methods of financing and sources of investment resources formation are proposed.

Conclusion. Thus, the process of financing investment at the expense of financial-industrial groups that created on the basis of large industrial groups operating in the region that have a capability to concentrate their own, state, collective and private funds and foreign investments.


Біографія автора

Pavlenko Oksana Pavlovna, Dnipropetrovsk State Agrarian-Economic University

Ph.D., professor, assosiated professor of finance and banking


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