Introduction. Development of agrarian market is under the influence of modern integration processes. These ones have been transforming of scientists’ and practical persons’ world outlook. Forming of the powerful Ukrainian agricultural export potential is an outward display of modern modification of the agricultural products market on the platforms of the government’s programs and Technical regalement. In this situation, national agricultural sector has been showing comparative potential of production and export. Therefore, there are some reserves of food production over consumption and using definitely technical methods of treatment and management these ones could be exported all over the world.
Purpose. The main aim of our researching is to definite the perspectives of Ukrainian agricultural sector development under the influence of globalization process.
Methods. During our scientific work, we had used statistical bases, analytical, graphic methods and logical order.
Results. Nowadays agrarian sector has provided the biggest part of foreign currency into the Ukrainian budget. Geographical structure of export has demonstrated export re-orientation into Asia countries (export part is about 47% or $ 5,5 billions), preservation of the main trade positions with EU and African countries (export part is about 26.4% or $ 3.1 billions). Ukrainian agrarian sector has been the main generation of the national export during the crisis in 2014y. At this period the export value of agricultural production was $ 16,67 billions (or 30% in the total export value) [5,8,9]. During 11 months in 2015y. export has been about 40% in the total Ukrainian export value. Record export (during Ukrainian independence) has gotten about 35million ton in 2014 -2015yy.
Originality. It is known some groups of countries with different level and dynamic of agricultural production. The first part is European high level of development countries (Germany, France, Austria, Italia, Switzerland etc.). Potential perspectives of Ukrainian agricultural export must be oriented on the ecological and high-level quality products.
The second group includes countries of the Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia etc.). Ukraine has the biggest potential of increasing agricultural export.
The third group is countries of Asia, Africa and America (China, Argentina, Brazil, India etc.) These countries have shown stable tendencies of growing agricultural production from 60% until 120-130% [10].
Conclusion. Ukraine can diversify its export between all these three groups. European countries will be able to import ecological products, China and India will do soybeans, eggs, sunflower oil, corns, chicken meat etc. Our analyze allows us to affirm Ukraine has a great agricultural export potential because the production value top the world’s index by 2-3 times. Perspective direction of our researching is definition of TNCs’ influence on the forming of recourse and export potential Ukrainian agricultural sector in the context of the world’s integration.
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