


Introduction. The  changeable market  environment  and  desire  to  be  competitive  require  to  do  the  right  steps   for  the  future  success  and  to choose  an  appropriate  leadership  style from  the  owners  of  the  enterprises.  All  these  measures  will  promote  the  opportunities  to   improve business  processes and  increase  efficiency of  the  enterprises.

Purpose. The  main  objective  of  this  article  is  to  show the  importance  of  choosing  a  right  leadership  style  to   resolve  conflicts  and  provide  effective  development  of  the  food industry enterprises.

Methods. Analyzing  the  problems  the following methods were  used: abstract logical style (theoretical to generalization,  to drawing the conclusions), statistically-economic groupings (to reflect changes in the enterprises development), the method of expert evaluations (to determine the importance of the right  choice  of the leadership  style), graphics (to  create the charts, to determine the dependencies), etc.

Results. The studied research  papers  have shown  that  there  are  connections  between  person’s emotions,  attitudes  and  behavior. Thus being  an  effective  leader  means  to  be  decisive, but  adaptable  and  emotionally  stable. According  to  the  authors’   point  of  view a  list  of  the  main  features  of  an  effective  leader was  formed.  The  main  elements    include:  authority, influence, delegation, responsibility, accountability and  power which will  give  a  positive  result of  the  determined job and  one  element  such as  flexibility  was  added to  the  main  list. To  the  authors’  opinion    flexibility    is  the  opportunity  and  quick  reaction  to adapt  the  activities  of  the  company  to  modern  changeable  conditions.

The  main  leadership  styles  are  described  and the  level  of  their  usage for  food  enterprises  is  determined  by  the  authors. Whatever leadership style would not be selected, it is a real  situation for the company  at various stages of its development that  the leaders meet a number of the conflicts. There  are  conflicts related to:

leader’s personality (self-confidence, self-consciousness);

formal  leadership  and  informal  leadership, for  instance,  in  a  team  or  in  the  department  for the  power  to  influence others;

a leader  and  co-worker (or team member)  to  lead  the  employees;

team members  who  have  a  bad  impact  on  the  results  of  their  activities. 

Due to  the  conflict  resolving  approaches  we  can  make  a  conclusion  that  it  is vital to  analyze  all factors  and  then  make  a  decision  considering  all possible  consequences.

Originality.  The  article describes a choice  of  an appropriate  leadership  style  for  food  industry  enterprises  and  gives  an opportunity  to  understand  how  to  handle  conflict  situations  in  the  right  way.

Conclusion.  The leaders  who  use an authoritarian style of  leadership  resolve  the  conflicts   with  a forcing  approach. These  leaders  often have conflicts of objectives  as well as conflicts of feelings and emotions.  In  addition, managers who use participative (Democratic) and delegative (Laissez-Faire) leadership  styles   often  practice compromise and  accommodation  approaches. The above-mentioned types of the leadership  styles  often have conflicts associated with the ideas and ways of solving them. Modern types of leadership, such as transformational leadership and transactional leadership, use compromise and cooperation  approaches  - collaboration.

Choosing  the  right  leadership  style  and ability  to  handle  conflicts  gives  an opportunity to increase efficiency, build favorable climate and achieve success for the company.


Біографії авторів

Iryna YEVSIEIEVA, National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine

Associate Professor at the Management and Administrative Department

Viktoriia MOSKALENKO, National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine

Associate Professor at the Management and Administrative Department


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