
Liubov Vasylivna ZAHLYNSKA
Anatoly Oleksiyovich ZAHLYNSKIY


Introduction Employment reveals one of the most important aspects of social and economic life. It is associated with satisfaction of human needs in certain goods and services. However employment of the population produces gross national product, and so is the economic basis of society. At the same time, employment has social character. It reflects the needs of people not only in earnings, but also self through socially useful activities. Thus, employment of the working population is a highly topical issue of social and economic life, which is not only limited to the problems of unemployment and includes such aspects as sustainable use of labor; ensure a decent standard of living of the working population; meet the needs of the economy in the labor force with regard to its quality and quantity; meet the professional needs of workers, including the need for professional education and maintenance training; social support in case of job loss, etc. The interest to study of the problems employment and unemployment has intensified in recent decades due to the rapid decline of general economic and social indicators of Ukraine.

Purpose of research is the methodological aspects of the employment of the working population as a system of economic relations of society that has developed between employers and employees in relation to providing the latest jobs. The workplace is one of the objects of the employment system. It defines the working conditions (normal, hard, bad), modes of work and rest, nature of work (a wide, monotonous, etc.). From working conditions depends on the value of the cost jobs and of wages of workers.

Methods Method of scientific analysis of theoretical material, statistical analysis and comparison, deductive-indicative method, theoretical generalization.

Results consists in the deepening the theoretical and methodological analysis of categories of employment, recommendations on solving the problems of effective employment and overcome the negative effects of unemployment.

Originality consists in the peculiarities of methodological analysis and practical projections on employment and unemployment.

Conclusion Recent events in Ukraine that led to the loss of territories, military operations are conducted, show that the state shaking deep socio-economic and political problems. The critical state of the economy and politics does not resolve the problem of employment and fight unemployment. Without deep reforms in all spheres of economic and social life can not hope for positive changes in the life of the state and every Ukrainian. 


Біографії авторів

Liubov Vasylivna ZAHLYNSKA, Rivne State Humanitarian University

PhD, Associate Professor

Anatoly Oleksiyovich ZAHLYNSKIY, Rivne National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use

PhD, Associate Professor


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