
Victoria Olexandrivna DENISENKO


Introduction. Based on the fact that one of the basic processes of transformation economy is the formation of so-called middle class, it was provided that the economic reforms of the XXI century will lead to a massive increasing of middle class. In developed countries the proportion of the middle class is 55 - 60% of the population, which directly influences the development of the regions. The reproduction  of the middle class is the main condition for the development of modern Ukraine. The specifics of Ukrainian society with a pronounced stratification of regions actualizes the formation of quantitative and qualitative structure of its regional segments. This is a change in the number and proportion of  the representatives of middle-class in society. While in Ukraine the middle class has not yet reached those values which are in developed countries, but still there were groups of people who are the social base of the middle class, with its particular characteristics.  The regional features are the most important factor in changing  the socio-economic structure of Ukraine.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is the analysis of the features of forming the middle class in Ukraine's regions.

Results.  It was determined that the middle class  is the conventional name for some groups of people which implement their intellectual, labor and other forms of capital, provide individual expanded reproduction, and at the same time these people are social factor for a new quality of economic growth and the basis of civil society.

The optimal criteria of belonging to the middle class, namely the amount and method you receive income, which can be supplemented by educational level and relation to the means of production were established.

It was established that the feature of the middle class in Ukraine is that there is  a considerable differentiation of its  development in regional breakdown, which gives opportunity to talk about different conditions for the forming the bases of the middle class in the region.

Conclusions. It was shown that the forming of middle class is directly related  with public policy, which should be aimed at effective development of middle class and optimization of income levels of population, its social status, professional and educational structure, as well as practical providing  the conditions for strengthening and growth  the number of  subjects of small and medium enterprises.


Біографія автора

Victoria Olexandrivna DENISENKO, The Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy, Ukraine

senior lecturer in economic theory,

innovation and international economics,


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