Evolution of state’s role in geo-economic space


L. O. Kibalnyk


The article considers the problem of the main methodological approaches to determine the role of certain states in geo-economic space including the first theories of the state regulation of economics (physiocracy, mercantilism, classical political economy), classical theoretical works (Keynesianism, monetarism, School of Economics Offers) and new approaches to the definition of the state's role in the world economic development (institutionalism, neo-liberalism, geo-economics).  Transnationalization and globalization are found to promote the decrease of the role of national governments in the global economy due to the formation of international financial markets, internationalization of business and capital, the emergence of global public information networks, the self-determination of new nations, a sharp increase in the mobility of population, global problems, etc. However, it is proved that modern transformations of the world space do not lead to the loss of economic and political power by national states, and their development perspective depends on the country’s affiliation to the definite social-economic structure in the “Centre-Periphery” model. It means that there will be a significant strengthening of the national state’s role in the countries of post-industrial type; agricultural and industrial countries will gradually lose the control over both the internal processes of development and regulation and foreign economic sector; there will be processes of blurring the roles of national structures under the influence of leading countries of the world in transitional societies. 


Біографія автора

L. O. Kibalnyk, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

доктор економічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри економічної теорії, інноватики та міжнародної економіки


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