
Вікторія Олександрівна Денисенко
Віктор Геннадійович Мартінович


Introduction.  Market reforms in Ukraine's economy assumed the drastic changes in the system of ownership relations, that should to create the conditions for the formation and development of the so-called middle class, which, according to many scientists, is an important factor in ensuring the socio-economic and political stability in the countries with developed market economies.

Although the transformation of the ownership relations in Ukraine is being implemented for more than twenty years, the forming of middle class has not yet succeeded. Therefore, the problem of its study is an actual both at the state and at the regional levels.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to develop  the recommendations for improving the mechanism of forming a middle class at the national and regional levels.

Results. The relationship (inverse mutual influence)  of the entrepreneurial activities and problems of forming a middle class is substantiated. On the one hand, the private entrepreneurship is the basis for the forming a middle class (in the form of business entities), on the other hand – the forming a middle class is the main condition for the successful development of entrepreneurship.

Mechanism for promoting the formation of a powerful middle class consists in the fact that this model of the development should act in the regime of fast economic renewal. This conclusion is based on the survey of different categories of population who identify themselves with the middle class. For these people  the factors of the state socio-economic policy, state social guarantees, the availability of a permanent job, access to vocational education, motivation for entrepreneurship are of great importance.

The approaches for the  improvement of the formation mechanism of the middle class is proposed. We have established that the priorities in this direction are  the adjustments  of the system of priorities of socio-economic development, the formation of civil society, the formation of new model of consumption, that will meet a decent standard of life and stimulate the economic (labor and business) activity;  the maintenance of high rates of economic growth with the simultaneous counteraction of strengthening  the economic inequality of the population; an active anti-inflation policy as an important factor in strengthening the economic position of the middle strata of the population; changes in tax policy; deshadowing of economy and incomes; reforming of income policy which ensure the outpacing rates growth in real wages; an increase in the demand for labor with simultaneous rapid elimination of the artificial retention the surplus labor in enterprises; reform of the education sector with the maximum approximation  of its quality to the world standards; the completion of the pension reform; priority development of education as the main direction of investment in human capital; a significant build-up of the country's intellectual potential; promoting  the entrepreneurship.

Conclusions and prospects for further research. The mechanism for promoting the formation of  the middle class should be reasonable, developed and agreed with the national strategy of economic development of the state. It is necessary to clearly define the  authority and responsibility of subjects on which the task of promoting the formation of  the middle class in Ukraine will be assigned.


Біографії авторів

Вікторія Олександрівна Денисенко, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

ст. викладач кафедри економічної теорії, інноватики та міжнародної економіки

Віктор Геннадійович Мартінович, Черкаського державного технологічного університету

к.е.н., старший викладач кафедри економіки та підприємництва


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