
Ольга Іванівна Мілашовська
Валерія Кузьма


Introduction.  It has been determined that the development of resort industry at present is the most pressing issue and is linked to the population demand for rest and physical health recreation. Economic and political instability, the environmental situation in the country, the wellbeing of the population, all are the factors that provoke the development of stress and causes great harm to the human body, thus as a result, it is necessary to improve physical condition. Current global trends targeting people on healthy lifestyle will certainly emphasize the need to develop the resort business.

Purpose. Purpose of the article is to form the theoretical aspects of socio-economic development of the resort industry in the mountain areas.  In order to form the theoretical aspects it is necessary to define the concept of recreation industry, socio-economic development and the general concept of socio-economic development of the area.

Methods. There have been used methods of observation, comparison, analysis and synthesis.

Results. It has been determined that the resort industry investigations are in the focus of various scientists who closely connect resort area with tourism and recreational activities. Regarding the major socio-economic factors which influence the development of the industry one may mention: demography, living standards, labor employment, financial status of families, free time, professional and educational levels of the population. Speaking of natural resources and recreational activities we have covered issues of recreation, outdoor activities and recreational potential.

Originality.  The study of social and economic development of the resort industry in mountain areas has created the concept of development for social and economic stability, industry promotion, financial support of the resorts.

Conclusion.  It has been determined that the socio-economic development of resort industry in mountain areas will bring continuous service changes, interrelation between economic and social groups, which is characterized by the organization, provision and providing medical, rehabilitation and prevention processes on the territory located in the mountains and characterized by natural medicinal resources which bring physical and psychological health to people. 


Біографії авторів

Ольга Іванівна Мілашовська, Мукачівський державний університет

доктор економічний наук, професор, професор кафедри готельно-ресторанної справи

Валерія Кузьма, Мукачівський державний університет



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