
Оксана Борисівна Пономарьова
Анастасія Губа
Анна Качан


Introduction. The full functioning market economy is not possible without a developed insurance institutions that minimize the inevitable inherent market risks and contradictions. The instability of the socio-economic situation in Ukraine makes the problem of development of insurance services is urgent. Life insurance is an important focus of the vast majority of insurance markets of developed countries and an important component in the system of insurance protection interests.

Purpose is an analysis of modern market of life-insurance condition in Ukraine, activity of insurance companies and exposures of problems, that restrain development of insurance.

Methods that was used for writing of the article : analysis and synthesis (drawn conclusion about the state of life-insurance in Ukraine), graphic receptions (for illustration of statistical information).

Results. Life-insurance was always examined as an advantageous insetting of money. Life-insurance can be defence of inheritance of insure, as gives an opportunity to envisage the consequences of the death for near and define part of inheritance that is appointed to each of them to him.

The volume of gross insurance payments from life-insurance by the state on 30.06.2016 presented a 198,0 million hrn., that on 29,9%% less than as compared to the corresponding period of 2015 (by the state on a 30.06.2015 - 282,4 million hrn.).

By the state on a 30.06.2016 size of change of backlogs from life-insurance presented a 317,0 million hrn., that less than in 2,6 times in comparing to the analogical period of 2015. Basic part of size of change of backlogs from life-insurance is formed on other contracts of story insurance, namely  359,4 million hrn. On other contracts of insurance of life the size of change of backlogs from life-insurance presents is a 50,4 million hrn. Thus, from data of the National commission on adjusting of markets of financial services on results And half-year of 2016 14 СК "Life" got the negative value of increase of backlogs from life-insurance on a lump sum 73,5 millions of hrn., that it is related to pre-schedule dissolution of contracts of insurance (on results And the half-years of 2015 declared a negative value 15 СК "Life" on a lump sum 15,5 millions to the hrn.). The increase of backlogs from life-insurance presented a 390,5 million hrn. the Most increase of insurance backlogs from life-insurance (more than 50 million hrn.) is declared three insurance companies "Life" in sizes 129,6 million, 85,5 million a hrn. and 51,2 million a hrn. (33,2%%, 21,9%% and 13,1%% from the general increase of backlogs accordingly) hrn.

Thus, in Ukraine subzero demand on services in life-insurance it is predefined by psychological and economic factors main from that is :

a mistrust is the population, predefined by deception by knavish trust funds and firms of insurance, that disappeared with money of clients in 90-тих years;

negative influence of cyclic vibrations of economy is on insurance companies;

imperfection of the insurance system;

poverty of population of Ukraine, at that services of insurance do not behave to primary.

Conclusion. Life-insurance is one of priority directions of insurance market development, in fact him further effective development will assist the increase of role private to the sector in execution the social programs and reduction of charges of the state budget. For the increase of demand of citizens of Ukraine on insurance services in life-insurance it is needed to perfect the insurance system, put right the normatively-legal base of insurance, deserve a trust in a population and strengthen marketing measures. And also obligatory is creation of competition environment for stimulation and development of insurance mediation. Positively will influence on development of insurance of adjusting of political and economic environment in a country. Actual will be also adjusting of development of regional insurance markets, with the aim of removal of noticeable territorial disproportions.


Біографія автора

Оксана Борисівна Пономарьова, Університет митної справи та фінансів

 старший викладач кафедри фінансів суб’єктів господарювання та страхування 


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Rating of insurance companies in Ukraine. Retrievedfrom http://forinsurer.com/files/file00580.pdf (accessed 1sthalf-year 2016) (in Russ.)

The National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets. Retrieved from http://nfp.gov.ua/ (in Ukr.)

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