
Євгеній Кирилюк
Наталія Євгеніївна Зінгаєва


Introduction. Increasing dynamism of changes in the environment of the enterprise, competition and opportunities for economic activity, globalization and internationalization of economic processes led transition to strategic management. The current strategic thinking and strategic management in agriculture can not be considered in isolation from issues of sustainable development, the need to preserve the environment, protect the interests of future generations.

Purpose. The research aims at to study the role and place of functional strategies in the overall strategy of sustainable development of agricultural enterprises.

Results. Properly formulated strategy and high quality of performance rewards enterprise. In order to survive in modern market conditions forced the company to engage in multilateral activities. This implies a set of interrelated strategies that are essentially "strategic set" (portfolio strategies) company. In this respect, interest is the role and place of functional strategies the company in its overall strategy, the more that some scientists give paramount functional strategies in sustainable developing the overall strategy of the company. The role and tasks of functional strategy is to support the overall business strategy and competitiveness. In addition, the importance of functional strategy is to create management guidelines for the achievement of functional goals of the company. Thus, the functional strategy in production is a production plan that includes the necessary measures to support the business strategy and achieve production goals and mission of the company.

As international experience shows, one of the most successful in the modern agro-food market is the strategy of "genetic modification products" and "strengthen organic products." Regarding the impact of the first strategy processes sustainability of the agricultural sector and the general public among scientists, there are different views. However, in our view, at the present stage of implementation of the results of genetic studies such developments are not yet guaranteed.

Originality. The study had the further development of scientific approaches to develop effective pyramid strategies to promote sustainable development of agricultural enterprises. The author's approach, unlike the existing ones, provides a comprehensive account of the factor of strategic thinking and management of a number of factors and influences strategic nature to ensure the sustainability of economic development in agriculture.

Conclusion. In Ukraine the term "sustainable development" is often used as an equivalent continuous growth of economic indicators (gross output, income, etc.). Such an approach is completely unacceptable, since the main criterion of sustainability is to achieve a balance and harmonious development of socio-ecological-economic system, improve the quality of current and future generations by preserving and circumstances play a phased integrity of the environment.

The instrument implementing the concept of sustainable development in modern agricultural business is the development and effective implementation of functional strategies. For important functional strategies is to create management guidelines for achievement of tactical and strategic goals functional enterprise. Therefore, further research in the given direction lies in the development of tools to stimulate the process of economic sustainability in agriculture that will promote the elements of sustainable development strategies in most modern farms.


Біографії авторів

Євгеній Кирилюк, Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького

професор кафедри економічної теорії, інноватики та міжнародної економіки

Наталія Євгеніївна Зінгаєва, Миколаївського національного аграрного університету

аспірант кафедри менеджменту та маркетингу


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