
Аліна Миколаївна Прощаликіна
Оксана Сергіївна Дудник


Introduction. Regional system of agricultural consulting helps farms to grow better crops and to maintain a strong environmental compliance position. This is achieved through independent, professional agronomy consulting, science based decisions, technological innovation, and a staff dedicated to the success of their clients.

Purpose is to determine the direction of improving information and consultation to ensure the agricultural business in the regions.

Methods. In the course of the study were used: systematic approach, comparative analysis, functional analysis and synthesis.

Results. The structure of information and consultation system in the region includes the effective interaction between information, consulting, and innovative educational subsystems. Formation of an effective system of information exchange should lead to improvement of interaction among the agricultural market. Thus, the special place is occupied by the specifics of the provide Advisory services in the field of agricultural production, risk management, compliance information, consultation and scientific support for risk reduction management decisions.

Originality. The concept of information and consulting support system, defines its essence, main characteristics and strategic factors are formulated. The conditions and trends of formation, functioning and development of information and consultancy support to the agricultural business in the region are discovered.

Conclusion. It is proved that the improvement of information and advisory support requires solving complex interrelated tasks: setting up regional monitoring of social and economic situation of the agricultural business, studying public opinion of farmers and the rural population by the management departments of agriculture, farmers associations and sociological services, research status markets and advisory support entities. Agrarian enterprises need information and advice about expanding their market access scientific, advisory services and information


Біографія автора

Аліна Миколаївна Прощаликіна, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

к.е.н., доцент кафедри економічної теорії, інноватики та міжнародної економіки


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