
Іван Іванович Кукурудза


Introduction. In the article international competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy in the context of Polish experience is explored.

Purpose. To investigate the state of international competitiveness of Ukraine’s economy and to develop practical recommendations as for its recovery in the context of Polish and other countries experience.

Results. In the paper the state of international competitiveness of national economy is discovered as well as found out main reasons of its deterioration. In addition to it, argued the conclusion that the fundamental reason of a poor international competitiveness of national economy is cost cutting in the sphere of investment and innovative activity. Analyzed experience of Poland concerning the development of investment and innovative activity and suggested recommendations as for its creative implementation under conditions of modern Ukraine.

Originality. Made the conclusion that at present rate of science expenditures it’s totally impossible to carry out innovative activity and to increase international competitiveness.

Conclusion. Approximation of national economy to the level of the advanced economies of the world is possible only in case of competitiveness recovery based on the innovative activity activization.


Біографія автора

Іван Іванович Кукурудза, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

доктор економічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри економічної теорії, інноватики та міжнародної економіки


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