
N. O. Andrusyak


Introduction. Favorable soil and climatic conditions in Ukraine creates the necessary conditions and considerable economic potential for effective production of open ground vegetables. Despite the fact that their crop area increased efficiency of vegetable remains low. A factor that hinders the development of the industry and improve economic efficiency, is the extensive nature of production vegetable production. Therefore, it is urgent to solve the problem of increasing economic efficiency of production and processing of vegetables open ground.

Purpose. The purpose and objectives of the study is the need for a thorough analysis of the factors that determine the results of the activity and the reasons for the increase of economic efficiency on the example of production of vegetable crops.

Methods. Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, social and qualitative research methods, analytical - statistical method.

Results. The objective condition for increasing the level of outdoor vegetable production in the region and its economic efficiency indicators is the use of intensive technologies, which at a minimum cost maximize profits. Intensive technologies are based on the management of the crop formation process, which reduces the gap between the potential and real productivity of crops.

Originality. In modern conditions of management a number of intensive technologies for cultivating vegetable crops have been developed, which are based on minimization of soil cultivation. In this case, they use the types of soil machinery (flat cutters, cutters, combined aggregates), which prevent the acceleration of humus mineralization and make it possible to stabilize the environmental environment, microfauna.

Conclusion. The application of the proposed directions for increasing the economic efficiency of open-field vegetables production will enable producers in the region to increase the production of vegetable products, improve their quality, expand the range, reduce their cost and eventually increase their profits.




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