
M. V. Behei


Introduction. The activities of forest enterprises in the modern business environment are carried out thanks to the system of numerous economic, social, communication, partnership and other ties, which collectively form the external environment, which, besides the positive, due to various circumstances, has a destabilizing potential. Investigating the state of such systemic education and its impact on the activities of forest enterprises, their economic security would allow their management to better shape development strategies and appropriate security mechanisms.

Purpose is to identificate the main factors that may form the destabilizing potential of the forestry complex, in particular, which adversely affects the activity and economic security of the forestry enterprise.

Methods. In the article methods of induction and deduction, the methods of abstraction and analyses are used.

Results. The article reveals the essence of the concept of "timber complex of Ukraine", which refers to a set of enterprises associated with the cultivation and processing (to obtain a final product) of wood raw material. It is pointed out that the structure of timber industry complex includes the following sub complexes: forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper, resin. Forests and forest resources that are very uneven on the territory of Ukraine are the basis of their functioning and development. They are concentrated mainly in Polissya and in the Ukrainian Carpathians. The total area of forest land is 10.8 million hectares, of which 9.5 million hectares is covered with forest vegetation, which is 15.7 percent of the territory of Ukraine.

Originality. It is found that forests and forestry in Ukraine have certain features in comparison with other European countries. Also, the author identifies the factors and conditions that create destabilizing potential which can not only negatively affect its components, but also can destroy it, including: 1) the current normative and legal support of functioning of timber complex of Ukraine is not built on the basis of national interests, consistency and best international experience; 2) the state of the country's forests is characterized by its limited resources, deterioration of its structure and quality; 3) the productive potential of the timber industry has reached a critical point; 4) relations, technological, economic, informational, etc., which are formed within the timber industry of Ukraine in the current economic conditions do not ensure their consistency.

Conclusion. The study made it possible to find out that the forestry complex on its technological connections consists of the following subcomponents: forestry, woodworking, pulp and paper and wood chemistry. The basic structure of this structure is a forestry complex, the main link of which is forestry enterprises. In general, the forestry complex, in addition to its positive potential, also contains a negative one that destabilizes the activities of enterprises, in particular forestry enterprises, thus reducing the level of their economic security. The established main factors of destabilizing potential enable the relevant actors to develop and make decisions that will resolve the causes and conditions for their occurrence.




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