
O. I. Zakharov


Introduction. In modern conditions, the successful activity of an enterprise depends of a large extent on the effectiveness of its system of economic security. The basis of the system of economic security in the first place are the internal resources of the enterprise. Therefore, the study of the influence of factors of the internal environment on the functioning of the system of economic security is one of the priorities of the development of theory and the development of practical recommendations in the field of economic security.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify and consider the factors of the internal environment of the enterprise that affect the functioning of the enterprise's economic security system.

Methods. Analysis, synthesis, theoretical generalizations, graphic method.

Results. High results in the work can be obtained only if the company will create a calm, friendly and creative atmosphere. All conditions for the improvement of qualification and career growth of employees have been created. An effective system of encouragement for good work, development and introduction of innovations has been introduced.

Originality. The article examines the influence of the internal environment on the system of economic security of the enterprise.

Conclusion. In today's environment, in order to ensure the economic security of an enterprise, it is necessary to create an effective system of integrated counteraction to existing and possible threats. The basis of such an enterprise's economic security system should be its own resources. Internal resources of the enterprise are components of its internal environment.

The internal environment is complex and ambiguous in terms of ensuring economic security. Its main feature is that, on the one hand, it concentrates significant resources for the development of the enterprise and the provision of its economic security, and on the other hand, it can form a serious threat to its activities.




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