
R. V. Kobko


Introduction: In Ukraine, state regulation of the insurance services market is carried out in order to comply with the requirements of legislation on insurance, effective development of insurance services, prevention of insolvency of insurers and protection of consumers' interests, but the issue of the relationship between the economic security of insurance companies and the insurance market is not sufficiently explored.

Purpose - to propose a conceptual approach to state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market in Ukraine.

Methods: Analysis and theoretical generalization.

Results: The conceptual approach to the state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market in Ukraine is proposed. The principles of state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market are determined. It is proposed to introduce a number of regulatory norms through the improvement of normative legal acts regulating the state of national security. The functions, on which the achievement of the proper level of economic safety of insurance market subjects should be based, are revealed. The promising measures for increasing the effectiveness of the activities of the National Financial Services Commission, in order to ensure the economic security of the insurance market actors, are determined, in order to increase the customer's confidence in the market of insurance services. It is proved that implementation of the proposed conceptual approach to state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market will help to optimize the structural changes in the insurance sector, which will increase its competitiveness and will positively affect the economic security of the country as a whole.

Originality: The main elements of the conceptual approach to the state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market are revealed. It is suggested that the mechanism of implementation of the proposed conceptual approach to state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market in Ukraine envisages: adoption of a number of legal acts, monitoring of the state of implementation of the proposed measures in order to obtain reliable information on the effectiveness of the implementation of plans and programs, public involvement, voluntary Associations of participants of the insurance market, representatives of the business to the implementation of the planned activities, synergy of efforts of the scientific potential and practitioners of insurance market.

Conclusions: Implementation of the proposed conceptual approach to state regulation of economic security of the insurance services market will help to optimize the structural shifts in the insurance sector, which will increase its competitiveness and will positively affect the economic security of the country as a whole. Prospects for further research are to develop regulatory and legal acts regulating financial and economic security of Ukraine, taking into account the need to ensure the economic security of the insurance market.




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On the Fundamentals of National Security: The Law of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Services Markets: The Law of Ukraine. [Electronic resource]. – Access mode:

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