Introduction. Despite the tendency to increase the number and intensity of threats to social security, the clarity of the meanings of this concept among the population remains rather blurred. This blurriness is aggravated by any attempt to interpret the notion of social security in different languages.
There are two approaches to social security. The first reflects social security as a neutralization of threats to society, and, since most authors consider this approach, it can be conventionally called "traditional". Followers of the second approach, by contrast, hold the view that the threat can go from the side of society. Such an approach can be conventionally called "alternative".
These approaches, in the opinion of the author, can be applied to the information security of the state and come to the conclusion that the state should be protected informally not only from the outside (from foreign states), but also from the inside (from the citizens themselves), based on the same threats, which is based on social security, which is even more important at the time of the hybrid and information warfare. Therefore, the hypothesis of cohesion, mutual influence and interdependence of concepts of social and informational security was put forward and tested. Google Trends and Ahrefs are used as research tools.
Purpose. The purpose and objectives of the paper are to publicize the results of the study of the interdependence of the diverse concepts of social and information security using Google Trends and Ahrefs.
Methods. Analysis, synthesis, statistical methods.
Results. Based on the analysis of queries using the Google Trends service to the Google search engine, you can draw the following conclusions: all terms are high-frequency; all three explored terms are in one way or another interconnected, whatever the various spheres they would touch; the term social security (public security) and the term social security (social protection) are not contiguous terms; the term social security (public security) and the term social security (social protection) are interlinked through the term of informational security.
Originality. The essence of the concept of "social security" is multifactorial, so the interpretation of the meanings of this concept, firstly, depends largely on the clarity of articulation and verbal formulation. Despite the tendency to increase the number and intensity of threats to social security, the clarity of the meanings of this concept among the population remains rather blurred. This blurriness is aggravated in any attempt to interpret the notion of social security in different languages. The concept of information security is the closest popularity to social security. Therefore, the hypothesis of cohesion, mutual influence and interdependence of concepts of social and informational security was put forward and tested. Google Trends and Ahrefs are used as research tools.
Conclusion. Based on the data obtained, the study of social security is relevant. At the same time, the term information security more correlates with the term social security than social protection based on the indicators analyzed by the Google Trends and Ahrefs tools. Consequently, the prospect of further scientific research should consist of carrying out a content analysis of the study of the interdependence of the terms social and information security.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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