
O. V. Makarevych


Introduction. The economic security of the company has always played a leading role in the successful pursuit of economic activity. With the development of the intellectual economy and the continuous increase of competition in the conditions of resource constraints, the protection of the rights of intellectual property objects of the enterprise as a direction of ensuring stability and rapid reaction to market changes becomes the determining competence in all spheres of activity of business entities.

Considering that the protection of intellectual property rights of enterprises is considered as a functional component of economic security, consideration of the regulatory framework for the protection of intellectual property rights of intellectual property has revealed some controversial issues from a practical point of view for entrepreneurial activities in various business areas. This situation somewhat limits the use and acquisition of competence by entrepreneurs, which creates additional barriers to their development.

Purpose - to establish the role of protection of intellectual property rights of enterprises in the system of economic security.

Methods. Analysis, generalization, graphical method.

Results. The statistical data confirm the fact that the activity of domestic enterprises protecting their IP rights decreases, thus becoming more vulnerable among foreign competitors with goods analogous to those represented in "common" markets.

During the course of their activities, enterprises must update their material equipment and technical equipment through industrial inventions as a result of wear. From the state of equipment, material and technical base, software, the availability of useful models, trade names, through which creates an innovative product or product of appropriate quality and value, appearance, and so on in accordance with the consumer requirements of the modern market. The level of attractiveness and economic security of product, any company may increase due to the presence of strong intellectual potential and the efficient use of IP objects.

Originality. Deals with the general interpretation of the concept and structure of economic security and intellectual property company. The modern state and dynamics for the protection of intellectual property in accordance with the laws of Ukraine entities.

Conclusion. Protection of the rights of intellectual property objects of enterprises can become a way and a reliable direction of ensuring the economic security of the enterprise. This is possible in the case of a systematic, integrated approach to its formation and assessment of the prospects of enterprise growth, applying appropriate strategies and tactics of development and reducing the impact of threats and dangers, the effects of financial crises.




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