
O. V. Melnychenko


Introduction. The assessment of the financial activity of the bank is multifaceted systemic, one link of which is the analysis and assessment of borrowers' creditworthiness based on their credit rating. Receiving a borrower's credit rating (bank) is an indispensable condition for attracting funds on the interbank capital market. The future orientation of these borrowed funds may be different, they can be directed to various investment projects (programs), to facilitate the development of small and medium-sized businesses, to improve and support the activity of the borrower's bank in the market of services for corporate and private clients, etc.

Purpose. The purpose and objectives of the study is to create a calculation tool for a scientifically-based determination of the optimum values of financial performance indicators of the bank, which characterize its creditworthiness in the long term, in order to improve its position in the ranking of the group of competitive banks.

Methods. Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, social and qualitative research methods, analytical- statistical method.

Results. Achievement of the determined target values of the optimal (rational) financial indicators of the activity of «Bank №1» is not an instant matter. In the event that the owners of banking business, management and analytical service of Bank 1 will use the proposed theoretical and methodological effective tools for evaluating, analyzing and optimizing their financial performance indicators that characterize the credit rating of their bank, they will be able to assess the state of the bank and determine the benchmarks its financial development and accordingly implement an effective system of financial development management of the bank.

Originality. The paper describes the methodology for calculating and analyzing financial indicators that affect the bank's creditworthiness based on the use of a plurality of financial indicators to illustrate a new approach to such analysis and evaluation that is proposed for use in solving the problem of determining the bank's creditworthiness.

Conclusion. The use of the proposed theoretical and methodological tool for evaluating, analyzing and optimizing the indicators of its financial activities that characterize the bank's credit rating will provide an opportunity to assess the state of the bank and determine the guidelines for its financial development, and accordingly implement an effective management system and implement preventive measures to prevent the deterioration of the financial situation.




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