
T. V. Vodyanyk


Introduction. In our country, the process of establishing a state regional policy based on democratic principles continues and aims at creating conditions for improving the quality of life of the population, raising socio-economic, cultural and spiritual standards through the provision of territorially holistic and balanced development of regions, maximizing the full utilization of resources taking into account Economic, social, historical, cultural features of the territories.

Purpose. Research of monitoring in the system of regional management and application of its technologies in the process of development of regions

Methods. Monographic method, generalization, analysis, synthesis.

Results. It is substantiated that at the present stage of development of economy characterized by high rate of changes, instability and uncertainty, in order to ensure the continuous process of socio-economic development, each region should strive for rational use of resources, increase of profitability of production, improvement of product quality and satisfaction of social needs of employees of enterprises and Population territory. It has been established that monitoring is capable of ensuring the solution of such a task, such as the formation of management decisions aimed at achieving a high level of socio-economic development of both the region and its enterprises, based on the timely processing of the necessary information. It is revealed that monitoring of socio-economic development of the region in the general sense combines such important functions of management as observation, evaluation and control and ensures timely adoption of managerial decisions based on its results.

Originality. It is proved that monitoring of socio-economic development of the region is a process of constant observation and evaluation of changes occurring in the economic and social environment in order to make timely and well-considered management decisions based on the revealed trends regarding the prospects of regional development. It is determined that the main objective of the system of monitoring the socio-economic development of the region is to ensure the effectiveness of socio-economic development, on the basis of which the complexes of research tasks of socio-economic development were identified. It is noted that the system of monitoring of socio-economic development of the region consists of four large subsystems: subsystem of information support, subsystem of estimation, subsystem of forecasting, subsystem of making management decisions.

Conclusion. The results of monitoring are the basis for the formation of effective management decisions aimed at achieving the goals and obtaining the socio-economic effect.

In order to improve the ways of introducing and using monitoring technologies in the regional management, it is necessary to form a system of indicators (indicators) that timely reflect the real situation in the regions. Therefore, it is further expedient to study the theoretical and applied aspects of the formation of a system of indicators of regional monitoring to ensure the adoption of effective management decisions.




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