
O. I. Zakharov


Introduction. One of the important components of the non-state security system is private detective activity. Unfortunately, this kind of activity in our country is in its infancy. In order to change the situation, it is necessary first of all to develop the theoretical and legal foundations for the organization of private detective activity, as well as to develop practical recommendations how to carry out this important and necessary kind of occupational security in our society.

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to consider the theoretical foundations for the organization and implementation of private detective activity in Ukraine.

Methods: analysis, generalization, graphical method.

Results. The peculiarity of private detective activity is that it is carried out in the general system of functioning of law-enforcement bodies of the state. The main task of this system is to ensure the security of the state and society, and that is very important - the constitutional rights and freedoms of Ukrainian citizens. In order for the subjects of private detective activity to carry out their activity effectively and in the legal field, it is necessary to organize their interaction with the subjects of the state law enforcement system, including with the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and also with the organs of the prosecutor's office. To do this, you need to create the appropriate interaction mechanisms. The model of private detective activity is presented in research materials.

Originality. The article deals with the theoretical and practical aspects of the organization of private detective activity in Ukraine.

Conclusions. The construction of modern civil society requires the formation of new relationships in all spheres of life and activity of the state - in politics, public life, economy, as well as in the field of security.

Security and observance of constitutional human rights are among the main values of all modern civilized states, including those entering the European Union.

Private detective activity is one of the effective tools for ensuring security and human rights in the modern world. The development of this kind of professional security activities will enable our state and society to make one more step towards full integration into the euro structure.




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