Introduction. The basis for designing measures to optimize the impact of state regulation of the economic security of the insurance services market should be the methodological approach to assessing the state of such security. The need for such a diagnosis is confirmed by the lack of similar methodological approaches that would allow to assess, on the one hand, the impact of state regulation on the state of economic safety of insurance companies, and, on the other, the impact of the latter on the economic security of the insurance services market, which is collectively directly reflected in the economic security of the state as a whole.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for stress testing of insurance companies as an instrument of state regulation of the insurance market.
Methods. Monographic method, systematization, analysis, graphical method.
Results The methodical approach for stress-testing of economic security of insurance companies under the influence of state regulation of the insurance services market is proposed. The basic stages of stress-testing of economic security of insurance companies for the state regulation of the insurance services market are determined. The indicators of the assessment of the stress resistance of insurance companies are systematized.
Originality. A evaluation results of the impact of government regulation on the state of the economic security of insurance companies exercise by comparing the activity of the insurer with regulatory licensing requirements. The indexes of evaluation of the results of the influence of state regulation on the state of information security of insurance companies are presented. The indicators of evaluation of the results of the influence of state regulation on the state of legal security of insurance companies are determined. The indicators of evaluation of the results of the influence of state regulation on the state of personnel security of insurance companies are offered. The indicators of evaluation of the results of the influence of state regulation on the state of financial security of insurance companies are presented.
Conclusions. The author's proposed methodological approach to stress testing of the economic security of insurance companies under the influence of state regulation of the insurance services market is an integral part of the methodology for assessing the level of economic security of the state and its component - the insurance services market.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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