
V. A. Krasnomovets


Introduction. In the context of numerous crises and economic, environmental and social problems, the society faced the necessity of finding a new way of development that would enable efficient and balanced operation of economic systems in conjunction with environmental and social factors. One of the theories that has become an alternative to the concept of economic growth, which is dominated by economic interests, is the concept of sustainable development. Despite the rather high interest of both academics and practitioners to the main provisions of the strategy of sustainable development of society as a whole and tourism in particular, the aspect of the regional context consideration in the study of the problem remains investigated.

Purpose - to analyze and determine the foundations for sustainable tourism development at the regional level.

Methods. Analysis, theoretical generalizations, graphical method.

Results. The maximum consideration of the formulated areas for sustainable tourism development in the region will allow to form an effective organizational and economic mechanism that will promote the sustainable development of tourism in the region and will lead to the establishment and maintenance of a dynamic equilibrium and the development of the regional tourism system.

Originality. In the article the author studies the implementation of the principles of sustainable development in the field of tourism, clarifies the definition of concepts of sustainable tourism development and sustainable tourism, as well as addresses the problems of organizational and economic provision of the concept of sustainable tourism development.

Conclusions. One can confidently assert that the concept of sustainable development - is now a non-alternative basis of modeling the development of the world, individual countries, regions and interregional formations, individual industries and sectors of the economy, business entities.




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