Introduction. At present, there is a need for serious changes in accounting, valuation, risk management mechanisms and systems of economic security of the financial system participants, greater transparency of reporting and corporate decisions. Again, the question arose about the sufficient level of capital in the financial system and the degree of state interference in the financial sector through direct and indirect regulatory instruments. In view of this, the problem of establishing the principles of state regulation of financial security of the country is actualized.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the current principles and established traditions of state regulation of financial security of Ukraine.
Methods. Theoretical generalization, monographic method.
Results. The main directions of state regulation of each component of financial security of the country are determined. Banking security involves regulation, control and monitoring of banking activities in order to ensure the economic security of the banking system; the security of the non-banking financial sector, namely, the stock and insurance markets, is ensured by streamlining the relations on the implementation of financial services and regulating the activities of professional participants in the financial market; debt security is ensured by establishing and regulating the level of internal and external debt of the state; fiscal security requires state regulation of the level of solvency and financial sustainability of public finances within the limits allowing the state authorities to perform their functions as effectively as possible; currency security requires monitoring and control of exchange rates in order to ensure public confidence in the national monetary unit; monetary security is ensured through regulation of the state of the monetary system of the country. The peculiarities of the organization and implementation of measures of the state level aimed at regulating the economic security of financial market segments and elements of the financial system of the country are revealed.
Originality. The modern principles and established traditions of state regulation of financial security of Ukraine are revealed. The peculiarities of the organization and implementation of measures of the state level aimed at regulating the economic security of financial market segments and elements of the financial system of the country are revealed. The directions of improvement of the state of financial security of the state through the mechanisms of its regulation at the macro level have been established.
Conclusion. Ensuring financial security of the state driven by the ability of public institutions to ensure the stability of the financial and economic development (basic financial and economic parameters) and neutralizing the impact of the financial crisis and other risks to national economic system and prevent (stop) the offense during the implementation of the financial relationship. For the state of the financial security is important tradition of regulation of the financial sector as a whole, without its distribution in certain specific segments, allowing to outline key strategic imperatives of ensuring financial security in the economic conditions prevailing in the country at a particular time. The concept of state regulation of the financial sector can be defined as a form of controlling the state's influence on the national financial system, financial relations and processes in the economy, which provides a sufficient level of their development, integrity, sustainability and competitiveness, the necessary financial basis for implementation of economic and social policies in order to ensure financial, and, as a consequence, economic security.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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