
O. V. Cherevko


Introduction. At the expense of investing in the economy, production volumes are increasing, national income is increasing, industries are developing, meeting the demand for goods and services. The resulting increase in national income is to some extent re-accumulated, there is a further increase in production, and the process is repeated in the future.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to develop approaches to assess the effectiveness of investment activities at the regional level.

Methods. Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, social and qualitative research methods, analytical - statistical method.

Results. A significant place in the regional aspect is given to the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of investment activities. The most important prerequisite for the effective functioning of the economy, both at the national and national levels, is the high investment activity, which forms the production potential on a new scientific and technical basis and provides competitiveness on foreign markets. At the same time, the degree of investment activity becomes somehow an indicator of the decline or recovery of economic development in any region of the country.

Investment activity, also, is an element of investment processes in the region, which is in direct connection with the investment climate and investment attractiveness of the region. Using the method of system approach in the research of investment activity we consider the main structural elements of investment processes in the region and their interconnection.

Originality. Consequently, in order to carry out investment activity, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the targeted attraction of domestic and foreign investments in the regions. The information basis for the analysis and calculations in the field of investment is the state statistical reporting, materials of the project organizations, data of the regional economic department, information contained in the state sectoral programs, etc.

Conclusion. There is no single methodology that would allow to evaluate and calculate not only the resource component of the economic potential of the region but also the unused opportunities. Therefore, further research and development will be focused on solving these issues. In the investment attractiveness of the important role is played by the competitiveness of regional authorities, the introduction of effective mechanisms of administrative management and the modernization of power structures, the formation of basic mobilization ideas for the territory.




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