
N. A. Yefimenko


Introduction. Successful development of branches of the national economy depends on many factors. They are the availability of resource potential, its quantitative and qualitative parameters, rational internal structure, optimal proportions, etc. Therefore, the estimation of the availability and use of resource potential of the branches of the national economy is relevant.

Purpose. Theoretical substantiation of methodical methods for assessing the effectiveness of the formation and use of resource potential of the branches of the national economy.

Methods. Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, social and qualitative research methods, analytical - statistical method.

Results. The methodical approaches to the estimation of formation and use of resource potential of branches of the national economy are considered. It was determined that the assessment of resource potential is carried out according to its components and complexity. Various methodological techniques are also used to assess resource potential. Such as index analysis, integral index calculation, economic and mathematical methods, economic and statistical models, etc.

The objective and structural methodological directions of estimation of resource potential are substantiated. In the structural direction, dynamic and probable research approaches are highlighted.

Originality. Adaptation of existing methodological approaches to assessing the formation and use of resource potential in the sectors of the national economy.

Conclusion. In order to increase the efficiency of the use of resource potential, it is necessary to evaluate it. After all, it is only through the evaluation of the components of resource potential that progressive development of the branches of the national economy can be achieved.




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