
O. V. Melnychenko


Introduction. Legislative acts of Ukraine stipulate that the monetary unit of Ukraine is the hryvnia, while cash (money) exists in the form of cash (banknotes and coins bearing the nominal value indicated thereon) and in the non-cash form (records on accounts with banks: funds On accounts in and deposits on demand). With the advent of electronic money to scientists, the question arose about the theoretical foundations of the functioning of this payment instrument, since it has signs of both cash and cashless funds and needs theoretical substantiation of its place in the theory of modern money.

Purpose. The purpose and objectives of the study are to determine the place of electronic money in the theory of modern money, refine their functions and evaluate their value in the monetary circulation of the country.

Methods. Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, social and qualitative research methods, analytical- statistical method.

Results. The legal conflict, which is ambiguous, whether the state is currently guaranteed to provide electronic money in banks or not. Therefore, this inaccuracy in the legislation should be resolved within the legal framework and economic basis. In our turn, we believe it is expedient to introduce a norm on the unequivocal guarantee of the provision of electronic money, as they are cash in national currency of the country where they are in circulation and have the corresponding status of the total equivalent in both cash and non-cash forms money.

Originality. In this article, for the first time, the place of electronic money was determined in the theory of modern money and outlined the basic features of electronic money that have properties for both cash and non-cash forms of money.

Conclusion. Like other forms of modern money, electronic money is by its nature credit – the obligations of the bank that issued them, to settle at maturity with their user (owner) of traditional forms of money. They perform the same functions as other forms, and the question of the quantity, origin and content of their functions is also controversial and depends on the views of scholars or the views of various scientific schools.




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