Introduction. Interest is a complex transformational category, whose role in the modern economic system is difficult to overestimate. The development of economic interests is a stimulating factor for economic change, the development of markets, the emergence of new industries, sectors of the economy. Interest is the basis for the formation of the needs of the population, enterprises, the state and other components of market relations. Due to interests and their transformations, technologies are being developed, innovations are introduced, scientific and technological progress is stimulated, and the structure and connections in the market are changing. Interest is at the heart of choice and decision making.
The purpose of the article is to outline the scientific essence of economic interests, their role in cluster formation and harmonization of economic development.
Methods used in the article: theoretical analysis and synthesis of the test material, scientific abstraction, social and qualitative research methods.
Results The internal specificity of regional economic and market development tends to change the priorities and vectors of forming economic interests. Changes in their nature and structure are characteristic of the period of transformational transformations and unpredictable development of the economic situation.
Economic interests are directly related to the economic development of the region and can create preconditions, identify trends and shape its prospects. Effectiveness of economic interests, their effectiveness, that is, that directly embodied in concrete steps for their realization is determined by two mandatory conditions of influence (power) of economic interests on the development of the economy in the region at a certain period of time: a single vector; totality (mass).
Harmonious regional development, which is an effective combination of interests in the main spheres of social life (social, economic, political, etc.), can be both a consequence of the implementation of the economic interests of clusterization and their motive. Currently, application of managerial approaches based on the definition of the motive (strategic goal), on which all other decisions are based, are relevant. We define this path as perspective and justified from the point of view of modern science in order to achieve the harmonious development of the territory through the adoption of appropriate economic, in particular cluster solutions.
The originality of the article is to formulate a modern definition of the category of economic interests, to specify their properties and characteristics in order to become an effective management tool in the harmonization of regional economic development.
provisions set out in the article are grounds for forming the following conclusions:
1) for the active orientation of the regional economy to cluster formation, studies of economic interests, their features and characteristics in the modern transformational economic system are necessary;
2) strategic objectives, such as harmonization of regional development, must be justified by transparent projects and simple arguments in order to ensure that the interests of the participants are massive and have a single direction;
3) the justification is the driving force of interests, as well as the assessment of risks and the probability of their occurrence. In order to achieve clustering goals, special attention should be paid to studying the power of participants and the evaluation of inhibitory factors;
4) As an element of governance, economic interests are a very volatile category, therefore, at all managerial stages, it is necessary to create supportive and new interests (motives) to encourage participants to achieve their goal.
Conclusion. The prospect of further research is to substantiate new properties and characteristics of economic interests as a management tool. The selection of mobile and non-mobile groups of economic interests highlights the relevant directions of further research relevant to the current state of the economic system.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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"___"__________ 20__ р.
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