Introduction. The urgency of the study on social security in the region is currently much higher than before. First of all, this is due to a change in qualitative parameters and an increase in the intensity of the influence of many factors, the totality of which exogenously and endogenously forms and transforms the social system of the region: significant exogenous influence for the third year running prompts Kremlin's aggression against Ukraine; endogenous transformational influences have a wide range of manifestations, migration movements into decentralization processes. In this context, there is a question of identifying the social security of the region through the prism of the metastable state of its social system.
Purpose. The purpose of the paper is to publish the results of studying the dynamics of statistical ensembles of economic parameters of the metastability of the social system of the region.
Methods. Analysis, synthesis, statistical methods.
Results. The social security of the region has a complex structure. This is due to many factors. The combination of such factors exogenously and endogenously forms and transforms the social system of the region. The social system of the region is multifaceted, therefore, even insignificant transformations make it impossible to stabilize its state in the long-term and medium-term prospects. On the one hand, the transformation of the social system of the region leads to the presence of its stable state in the short term only and forms the short-term horizon of social security in the region. On the other hand, such transformations create the preconditions for the continuous transition of the social system of the region from one stable state to another. Each of the transitions forms a new form of the metastable state of the social system of the region. In this context, there is the question of identifying the social security of the region, which is covered in the article through the prism of the metastable state of its social system.
Originality. The region as a taxonomic unit within the state has a number of features, the most important of which is the "binding" to the economic system. Therefore, as a rule, the "pentagonal" socio-economic system of the region, which is formed by the system-building base, population, system-servicing complex, ecological subsystem, and market infrastructure, is considered. At the same time, the main system-creating factor is the activity of people, which, in fact, also gives the right to distinguish the social system of the region.
Within the limits of this article, the economic dimension of social security is presented in the point mode, namely by studying the dynamics of statistical ensembles of the economic parameters of the metastability of the social system of the region.
Conclusion. Conclusions of the study of the dynamics of statistical components of the point parameters of the social system of regions of Ukraine in the symmetric (by the number of investigated periods) regime before and after the start of the ATO indicate a declining tendency of metastability of the social system of the regions, which adversely affects their social security, while the prospects for further scientific research should be in constructing a parametric base of social security of regions due to fluctuations in the metastability of their social systems.##plugins.themes.bootstrap3.article.details##
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