
V. M. Soloviev
V. M. Saptsin


Approaching physics as the way to predict the results of experiments is good enough for physics as it is. However the transition of its notions and mathematical apparatus to systems of different nature requires obligatory in-depth analysis of its initial concepts. Econophysics is a young interdisciplinary scientific field, which developed and acquired its name at the end of the last century. Quantum econophysics, a direction distinguished by the use of mathematical apparatus of quantum mechanics as well as its fundamental conceptual ideas and relativistic aspects, developed within its boundaries just a couple of years later, in the first decade of the 21-st century. In this paper from quantum econophysics positions, attained by moderntheoretical physics in understanding of the universe bases, the methodological and philosophicalanalysis of fundamental physical concepts and their formal and informal connections with thereal economic measurings is carried out. The possibility of introducing economic equivalents ofphysical quantities in order to describe socio-economic processes using the quantum uncertaintyprinciple is shown. Procedures for heterogeneous economic time determination, normalizedeconomic coordinates and economic mass are offered, based on the analysis of time series, theconcept of economic Plank's constant is proposed. A theory is approved on the real economicdynamic's time series, including crises stock market indices. It is shown that the effective mass ofthe time series universally decreases before the crisis period, which may be an indicator of thecrisis phenomena.




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