


Innovative development is the foundation of the successful growth of the real economy. Innovating due to high financial risk for businesses. It is the duty of the state is to create a favorable climate for the introduction of high-tech industries. The article is to outline the methodological principles on forming a favorable environment for investment and innovation activities through financial and tax instruments of state regulation. Three main priorities of the development of the national economy, formation of technological breakthroughs, enhance the competitiveness of traditional industries and ensure the defense of the state. The analysis and selection of specific instruments of fiscal and economic regulation and promotion of investment and innovation in selected sectors of the economy. The study shows the characteristics of the tax and financial regulators identified their flaws and advantages. Indicated that along with the stimulation of domestic producers, it is necessary to ensure the implementation of preferential treatment of foreign investment. Recommended civil servants, professionals and individual industries scientists to examine the functioning of commodity markets sector priorities and select appropriate tools for their revitalization and innovation. Selected mechanisms and regulation to stimulate innovation and investment processes in specific sectors of the real economy after testing and pilot projects should be fixed regulations and laws. In the regulations should also be determined fines and additional charges of tax payments in case of target use of allocated state funds for innovation. Scientific novelty characterized mechanisms that allow for a favorable investment climate in selected industrial markets through the use of financial and tax instruments. The essence of the proposed financial and tax policy is to change the behavior of the entity in such a direction that it meets the objectives of the strategic development of the given commodity market and thereby solve the issue of its internal and external competitiveness. To develop variant Economic Strategies conducted an algorithmic description and proposed mathematical model branch commodity market. This model is a system of interrelated correlation main indicators characterizing the status and parameters of this market. With economic regulators worked various economic scenarios of the industrial markets. Today, research continues on this issue towards the development and implementation of a computer model of decision-making on activating innovative strategic industrial product markets.




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