


SWOT analysis has an important place among the methods of strategic planning of activity of the organizations. The article discusses the features of a SWOT analysis, in accordance with modern approaches to the organization and identifies some of its weaknesses and suggests ways to address them. Since the implementation of effective strategic planning based on SWOT analysis, has many interpretations, this article discusses some of them. Different authors propose to perform a SWOT analysis in a variety of ways with different goals. But remain unresolved such important tasks as quality of SWOT analysis, determining he completeness and more important questions. Such tasks require attention because a SWOT analysis is a study conducted with a certain sequence according to a certain procedure. But remains the question of sufficiency of volume of carried SWOT analysis, which is used for any direction tasks. Special attention requires the evaluation of the implementation of the SWOT analysis and the completeness of the implementation of the strategic plan that was formed. The purpose of this article is to draw up proposals regarding the rules of formation of strategic plan of enterprise development on the basis of the SWOT analysis, and evaluating its performance. To achieve this goal is proposed to be held on specially prepared questionnaires. In these questionnaires, the execution of tasks estimated completion, which is a boolean value success or finished, or not if is not finished. All success tasks assigned as 1. All unsuccess tasks assigned as 0. This is possible to evaluate the implementation of the strategic plan formed with the help of SWOT analysis according to a special formula. SWOT analysis is an effective means of formation of strategy of development of activity of the organizations, but as a tool for strategic planning, it has not sufficiently developed mathematical and its evaluation requires research and development. In this article proposes an approach to the evaluation of the implementation of the strategic plan formed with the help of SWOT analysis.
SWOT analysis is an effective means of formation of strategy of development of activity of the organizations, but as a tool for strategic planning, it has not sufficiently developed mathematical and its evaluation requires research and development. In this article proposes an approach to the evaluation of the implementation of the strategic plan formed with the help of SWOT analysis.




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