


Introduction. Ensuring competitiveness in the field of foreign relations priority identified in a number of policy documents of the executive power of Ukraine. The sign of progressive changes in the national economy has become a real operating system of adoption and implementation of appropriate solutions. However, implementation of this priority hampered by several obstacles including to note the procedural burden of foreign trade, insufficient financing of exports, structural problems of foreign cooperation on the background of economic recovery capabilities of Ukraine in terms of foreign aggression. With this in mind ways of increasing competitiveness in the field of foreign relations and establishing mechanisms for expanding competitive on the international market of enterprises are an urgent task. Purpose. The aim of article is the development of state policy of the international competitiveness of domestic enterprises export. Methods. Comparison, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, methods of structural and functional analysis, legal simulation, systematic method. Results. It is established that the competitiveness of domestic exporters shaped by the difficult conditions of macroeconomic and macro-financial imbalances in the national economy and the persistence of a number of destructive factors that significantly reduce the competitiveness of domestic producers. The ways of increasing competitiveness in the field of foreign relations and establishing mechanisms for expanding competitive in the foreign market production are found out. The basic trends certifying reduce the competitiveness of exporters are shown. It is proved that in order to increase the competitiveness of the national economy Ukraine should improve areas of cooperation with the EU which requires achievement oriented parity in economic relations. It is proved that the use of targeted public policies, combined with the financial capacity of international financial institutions and institutional investors will provide significant benefits for Ukrainian exporters. Originality. It is grounded a need of a new identification criteria ensuring export advantages of Ukraine, development of an effective system to protect export and operational prevent aggressive actions against trade partners of Ukraine, formation principles to diversify trade flows. The formation of rapid response to economic aggression and support of pressure on Russia has fully consistent and coordinated with other countries, including the EU. It should be noted that it has not yet created a common platform for Ukraine and the countries that supported sanctions against Russia, the coordination of economic sanctions. Conclusion. Preparation of complex of public decisions in increasing the competitiveness of domestic exporters will get a significant driver of socio-economic development of Ukraine and take advantage of potential international environment to strengthen domestic economic development. Minimizing medium risk of trade with Russia, trade imbalances and inadequate internal production and technological capabilities process depends largely of the potential of increasing the competitiveness of exporters. The use of targeted public policies, combined with the financial capacity of international financial institutions and institutional investors will provide significant benefits for Ukrainian exporters.




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