


Introduction. The relevance of the study is due according to the increasing role of information security of banks for the banking sector of Ukraine. The vulnerability of the banking institution increases because of its dependence of information resources and networks. The use of information technology is a significant threat that requires constant monitoring and detailed analysis to minimize financial losses. It is obligatory to constantly improve the system of information safety due to the changing nature of internal and external factors. Purpose. The purpose of this article is to review, synthesis and study of theoretical approaches to identify the sources of threats for banks information security. Methods. Monographic, theoretical generalization, systematization, analysis.Results. It is found out that the problem of research the sources of threats to information security of banking institutions is urgent for investigation. The modern approaches to the interpretation of the term «threat» are analyzed. It is considered the classification of information security threats in banking institutions. The ways to implement information security threats and to identify the threats to information system in banking institutions by sources of formation are offered. The influence of information security to other components of the system of economic security of banking institutions is grounded. The measures for neutralizing threats to information systems in banking institutions are offered. Originality. A definition of the term "threat" is offered. The influence of information security on the other components of the system of economic security of banking institutions is examined. Conclusion. The results of the analysis we made draw us to the following conclusions: it was studied the modern approach to the interpretation of the term "threat" that made it possible to offer the author's definition; it were described approaches of many authors for classification of threats to information systems in banking institutions; it was considered the influence of information security to other components of the system of economic security of banking institutions.The research of sources of threats to information security of banking institutions provides the basis for an effective information security system of banking institutions formation.




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