
Ihor Karbivnychyi
Nataliia Dudchenko


Introduction. In the conditions of market transformations for service credit needs of the economy becomes important formation of efficiently credit potential of banks and the banking system as a whole. Modern trends in bank lending in Ukraine needs to improve the quality and structure of loan assets of the banks.

The high credit risk - is the most important factor holding back the development of credit activity of the banks. The main criterion for determining the quality of lending - is the quality of credit risk management. Thus, in a market environment and competition an effective credit risk management of the banks becomes of paramount importance.

The corporate management aims to protect the interests of a depositors and minimizing of asymmetry awareness among the management bodies of the bank, its owners and customers. These purposes are generally achievable using deposit insurance, the capital adequacy requirements, the disclosure requirements (regarding products, services and financial statements), an internal controls and an oversight in the optimum extent.

Purpose. The article is to analyze the process of corporate credit management of the bank.

Methods. In the process for General knowledge of the object of research we used the methodology of system analysis, which allowed to unite the progressive developments of classical and contemporary researchers in the questions of corporate credit management in the bank. The totality of the used methodological framework has allowed to provide the ultimate accuracy and validity of the findings and practical solutions.

Results. Disclosed of the effect of corporate credit management on the credit risks in the bank. The peculiarities of credit risk management at the macro and micro levels have determined. It is proved the dependence between the quality of the credit assets and the performance credit management.

Originality. According to the materials of article proved that the improvement of corporate credit management in the bank is closely linked with amendment banking credit policy. It is determined that increasing the efficiency of corporate credit management is achieved through better coordination of the strategic and the tactical decisions concerning management of the credit risks in a bank.

Conclusion. Thus, the Ukrainian banks to improve their competitiveness, along with foreign financial-credit institutions need to increase their level of the corporate management and establish the selection of the reliable borrowers. At the same time the enterprises that consider improvement of corporate management serious factor in improving their capitalization expect from their financial partners equally serious attitude to this important issue.


Біографії авторів

Ihor Karbivnychyi, Cherkasy Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University

Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of

management and economic security,

Nataliia Dudchenko, Cherkassy State Technological University, Ukraine

Ph.D. in Economics, associate professor, associate professor of the Department of Finance 


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