
Daryna Honta


Introduction. Today, in the conditions of globalization necessary precondition Ukrainian-European cooperation is investment activity. The main problem now is the the lack of investment in Ukrainian economy, which may further entail negative consequences, because by attracting foreign investment Ukraine will be able to update the scientific and technical base and attract necessary capital and improve its macroeconomic indicators.

Purpose. The research aimed to determine the the features investment activity Ukraine and the European Union and offer ways to improve the investment climate Ukraine.

Results. The study found that the investment attractiveness of Ukraine in the context of European integration is very low, as foreign direct investment from EU countries is almost unchanged even after the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU. This can be confirmed that the Ukraine can not compete with other European countries, because in the ranking of ease of doing business, it is on 80 place when countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, Moldova is a very high position. It should be noted that most of the received investments directed to the sphere that focused on the profits in the shortest time, although for the Ukrainian economy priority is investing in strategic sectors. Thus, the creation of investment cooperation with the EU is a strategic area of development for Ukraine because the creation of strong economic ties Ukraine and the EU can obtain significant benefits.

Originality. The article had received further development research of dynamics and structure of attracted investments from EU countries also detected basic regularities of their distribution by branches, which gave more clear understanding of the role of Ukraine in the investment activities of the EU.

Conclusion. Today it is necessary use the full range of state instruments to enhance investment potential and attracting the desired volume of investment resources in the national economy. Therefore, we must first stabilize macroeconomic indicators, increase a share of high-tech industries to provide flexible tax policy, to create a system of protection against dishonest partners and create favorable conditions for stimulating investments in priority sectors of the national economy.




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