Introduction. Due to the ever-increasing pressure of the international trade community on the need to further reduce the interference of state controlling bodies in the activities of foreign economic operators, the customs administrations of the leading countries of the world are developing and implementing tools for the simultaneous provision of economic security in the field of foreign trade and the simplification of foreign trade procedures. One of the priority tasks for the domestic system of customs regulation in such conditions is the formation of a system for ensuring economic security in the field of foreign economic activity, which would ensure a balance between the facilitation of foreign trade conditions and the measures taken by the state control bodies in matters of protecting Ukraine's economic security.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is theoretical substantiation and development of scientific and methodological principles of the concept of ensuring economic security in the field of foreign economic activity on the basis of balancing the economic interests of society, economic operators and the state.
Results. In today’s context, the concept of ensuring economic security in the field of foreign economic activity is based on the balance of economic interests of all interested parties (participants of foreign economic activity). In this regard, the authors of the study proposed the author's definition of the category «economic security of the state in the field of foreign economic activity». In the domestic scientific and practical circles, there is a widespread perception of the existence of significant contradictions and conflicts in the process of simultaneously achieving these elements of the security balance. In particular, a significant part of domestic and foreign scholars note that the implementation of measures to simplify foreign trade procedures will weaken control over it and vice versa: increased control leads to complication of procedures for economic operators. In our opinion, this approach is too simplistic, since it assumes that only a relaxation of control can be the only way to simplify the process. Such a position in the current conditions of the implementation of the state customs case is erroneous, since the concepts of trade facilitation and control are two separate variables.
Originality. The authors formulated the definition of "economic security of the state in the field of foreign economic activity", which should be understood as the state of the system of economic relations between society, economic operators and the state in the field of foreign economic activity, which ensures the possibility of full realization and protection of vital economic interests from external and internal threats through Elimination of preconditions and overcoming of existing contradictions, achievement of balance of interests of all interested parties.
Conclusion. the main objective of ensuring the economic security of the state in the field of foreign economic activity is elimination of contradictions between the economic interests of society, economic operators and the state in the sphere of foreign economic activity, creation of favorable conditions for equivalent, equal realization of vital economic interests of all subjects of economic relations in conditions of further harmonization of domestic customs Rules to international standards. In subsequent scientific studies it is planned to consider the components of the system of ensuring economic security, and also a mechanism for balancing economic interests.
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підпис П.І.Б. автора
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