
Elena Kovalenko


Introduction. Informative revolution of end and distribution of internet-technologies conduces to the sharp strengthening of economic, political and cultural globalization societies, forming of the new social mode, when network streams, network structures and network co-operations, become basis of organization of society. By the most meaningful sources for research of modern network society, organization of that is base on global information technologies there is a scientific inheritance of М. Castells, P. Drucker, М. Porter, H. Etzkowitz, L. Leydesdorff. Only scientific vision of network processes of society, their essence, kinds, structure, functions is however absent, contradiction, factors of development and management mechanisms in new realities of development of civilization.

Purpose. The aim of the article of theoretical and methodological ground of network models of organization of society and mechanisms of management of him by political, economic and sociocultural spheres in the conditions of globalization. Methodological basis of research is dialectical principle of cognition, the system, civilization, sinergistical going near the study of the public phenomena and processes, fundamental positions of theory of development of society and management. The cultural and historical is used, historical and anthropological, sociocultural methods that allowed to investigate network organization of society in intersubject cuts.

Results. Essence of networks and their kinds are exposed in the wild and society. A structure, role and place of functional networks, is certain in the system of organization of society. The criteria of division of public social networks are specified on a territorial sign. The features of social are distinguished networks in accordance with the stages of development of civilization. Credible directions of network development of post-industrial society are reasonable. The basic models of the organizational mode of public social networks are analysed. The mechanisms of management of vital functions of new society subsystems are worked out.

Originality. The scientific novelty of the got results consists in the use of, civilization and sinergistical approaches of the systems in explanation of processes of network organization of society and mechanisms of management of him by political, economic and sociocultural spheres in the conditions of globalization.

Conclusions. The network models of organization of society and mechanisms of management of him are reasonable by political, economic and sociocultural spheres in the conditions of globalizationThe practical value of the got results shows up in possibility of the use of them in the process of development of strategy of construction of new society, him organizational structure and control system. The prospects of further scientific secret services can be deepening of researches of separate types of network structures.



Біографія автора

Elena Kovalenko, National Academy of Supervisory Frame of Culture and Arts

PhD (Economics), Associate Professor

of the Department of Public Administration and Humanities


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