
Frants Vitko


Annotation. This article discusses the possibility of using the experience of States with developed market economies in post-Soviet countries to forge public-private partnership system. As one of the instruments to create a mechanism for partnership are encouraged to use the potential of social enterprise.

The purpose of the article is to consider the possibilities of using the potential of social entrepreneurship for the development of public-private partnership.

Results. It is proved that the development of social entrepreneurship in Belarus should significantly increase the role of the state, which should be reduced to stimulating the following directions: favorable taxation of funds sent by business entities to charitable purposes and the development of social enterprises; determination of the role and participation of social entrepreneurship in the implementation of state social programs; strengthening the popularization of social activity and social entrepreneurs, including using state media, education systems, etc .; creation and development of a full-fledged infrastructure of social entrepreneurship.

Conclusions. Social entrepreneurship should be an integral part of the economy of the post-Soviet countries. Combining the high adaptability and economic efficiency of a private business with a focus on meeting the most pressing social needs, it will promote the development of public-private partnership, the formation of a socially oriented economy and the identification of new ways of solving social problems.


Біографія автора

Frants Vitko, State Institute of Management and social technologies of the Belarusian State University

PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Business Management


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