
Diana Kharynovych-Yavorska


Introduction. Transformation processes taking place in Ukraine are aimed at creating highly efficient socially-oriented market economy. At the same time, the majority of domestic economic entities are indicated not only by outdated technical and technological infrastructure, high level of net resource expenditure, low level of product competitiveness, but by utilization of un-progressive methods of trade and manufacture entity management as well.

Development of competitive advantages is the goal and result of strategic management of an enterprise, an embodied display of leadership among competitors. Their specific aspects and implementation mechanisms constitute one of the key factors of competitiveness.

Purpose.  The purpose of this study is development of methodic recommendations for improvement of multifaceted economic analysis of economic entities’ activities in order to achieve strategic goals and maintain competitive advantages.

Methods Methods of general conclusion and comparison were utilized to explore the economic subject of competitive advantages and strategies; methods of formalization and mathematic simulation were utilized for development of conceptual framework of management decision-making system analysis.

Results. In order to evaluate competitive advantages of a business enterprise, a computation algorithm for an aggregated (integrative) indicator has been developed, utilizing the balanced scoring system of business activities based on modern information technologies, which allows to extensively evaluate the level of development of an economic entity and thus, the level of its advantages over direct and potential competitors in general, or in specific market segments, constantly monitor the level of its competitiveness and lay the foundation for modeling its strategic development, make management decisions on maintaining competitive advantages in the market.

Originality.  The process of forming the competitive strategy of economic entities based on utilization of neural network technologies has been improved, which allows achieving strategic goals and developing instruments of management oversight of these goals. The main advantages of the proposed sequence of competitive strategy development are clearly defined multiple paths of strategy development; existence of direct and reverse causality between process stages, which includes not only the strategic block, but also analytical (communication), tactical (strategy implementation) and resultant (strategy adjustment) blocks, which assure the quality of interaction between processes of strategy development and implementation.

Conclusion.  It has been defined that in order to evaluate competitive advantages of economic entities, a corresponding computation algorithm for an aggregated (integrative) indicator of competitive level has been developed, which extensively illustrates the development of an economic entity during a specific time period, utilizing the balanced scoring system (BSS), which in turn allows evaluating the level of an economic entity advantages over direct and potential competitors in general, or in specific market segments. The proposed methodic approach allows marking out economic entities that show dynamic growth, have a high level of accountability and financial stability and thus maintain a consistent high level of competitive advantages over competitors in both short-term and long-term perspective.

In order to correct the mistakes made in models during development and implementation of competitive strategies a sequence of development and implementation of competitive strategies has been designed. This sequence allows choosing the optimal strategy based on integrated factoring of variability of activities aimed at market positioning of an economic entity. The main advantages of the proposed sequence of competitive strategy development are clearly defined multiple paths of strategy development; existence of direct and reverse causality between process stages, which includes not only the strategic block, but also analytical (communication), tactical (strategy implementation) and resultant (strategy adjustment) blocks, which assure the quality of interaction between processes of strategy development and implementation.

In order to address the problems of analytical procurement of business enterprise competitive strategy forecasting for a short-term perspective, the necessity to utilize the neural network method has been substantiated. This method is a part of a system of methods of evaluation and forecasting of business enterprise activities.




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