Methodical approach to evaluation of the state of economic security sustem of construction enterprises under the influence of the government regulation


V.I. Dmytrenko


The methodical approach to the evaluation of the state of economic security system ot the construction companies under the influence of state regulation is offered. Methodical approach involves the analysis in the order of the composition and structure of the economic security of construction enterprises; assessment of the functioning of the system of economic safety of construction companies; analysis of interaction with internal and external environment; determination of qualitative and quantitative indicators of assessment the system of economic security of construction companies; forming integral system indicator and assessment of its characteristics. The main groups of qualitative and quantitative indicators are: indicators of assessing the impact of government regulation on the state of the economic security sustem of construction companies; indicators for assessing the financial security of construction companies; indicators for assessing the transparency of construction companies. A methodical approach was tested on construction enterprises of Ukraine.




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