Threats of economic security as a part of risk management bank


O. S. Dmytrova


Stability and efficient development of the banking system is a prerequisite for sustainable development. As shown in recent years, the banking system is the most sensitive and vulnerable to economic crises , political turmoil, and so on. This can not but cause concern , because banking is one of the most important economic activities, providing movement of money in circulation. Banks in market conditions can be very positive and a negative impact on economic activity , however, to ensure reliable and stable operation of the banking system is not possible without isolation of threats that affect the banking institutions . The article summarizes the existing approaches to the definition of the term " risk". The modern approach to classifying risks  to economic security of the banking institution. Іsolated and analyzed the main risks that affect the economic security system of banking institutions, and change and their impact on the bank , due to changes in the economic environment.




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