Enterprise performance management on the basis of a systematic approach


H.S. Zhulai


The article investigates the problem of performance management enterprise in modern conditions. Nowadays Performance Management is a multi-faceted problem that needs to use different management approaches and concepts. Determined that the performance management of the company is focused on efficient regulation of areas of performance management to ensure for the actual condition of the company specified parameters. The basic directions of activity of the enterprise performance management which are as justification possible and appropriate performance management company; identification subjects of the enterprise performance management; formation goal (task) performance management company; determine the functional content of the enterprise performance management; grounding principles (requirements) implementation of performance management company; formalization of the principles of assessment of performance management company. Determined that the object of the enterprise performance management is the process of the functioning of the enterprise, and the actors is a range of people, implementing performance management tasks. It is proved that the main purpose of the enterprise performance management is to ensure welfare maximization owners, meet the needs of customers, continual operation and further development of the company in the current and future period. The system of performance management company is constructed, which consists of the following subsystems: management development company; management of marketing activities of the company; volume control of the enterprise; financial management company; cost management company; quality management company; HR management and social development of the enterprise; safety management of the company. The scientific novelty of the research is to improve the methodological approaches to building a performance management system of the company.




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