


Introduction. State bodies and structures are taking measures to regulate the financial security of the national economy, but the financial system has a specific architecture, and the threats inherent in the activities of its participants are now unconventional, given the political and economic circumstances. In view of this, it is necessary to study the problems of organizing the process of effective management of the state of economic security of financial institutions in order to identify the reserves for raising the level of economic security of the national economy of Ukraine by strengthening the financial sector and improving the economic security of its active participants.

Purpose. The purpose of the study is to identify the problems of the effective management of the state of economic security of the entities of the national economy of Ukraine, which carry out their activities in the financial market, and the performance of which is the basis of the formation of the system of financial security of the state.

Methods. Method of theoretical analyses and graphical method are used.

Results. The features of the CAMELSO rating system and its possible use in the process of assessing the level of security of the banking component of the economic security of the national economy of Ukraine are established. The shortcomings of the process of assessing the level of economic security of the subjects of the financial component of the national economy of Ukraine are identified. The model of creation and functioning of the Centre for training and certification of specialists in economic security management in the financial sector of the national economy is proposed.

Originality. In the course of the study, two significant management problems were identified in ensuring the economic security of the financial subsystem of the economic security of the national economy of Ukraine: the lack of adequate information and analytical support for the adoption of management decisions and disadvantages in modern approaches to its receipt and the lack of qualified personnel for the professional performance of the management of economic security elements of the national economy of Ukraine.

Conclusion. The features of the CAMELSO rating system and the possibility of its use in the process of assessing the level of security of the banking component of the economic security of the national economy of Ukraine are established. The shortcomings of the process of assessing the level of economic security of the entities of the financial component of the national economy of Ukraine are identified. In particular, the deficiencies of such methods of diagnostics as accounting method, expert method, rating method, use of scoring models, method of risk estimation and normative approach were revealed. The lack of an integrated approach to assessing the level of economic security of the national economy subjects was established, which would be based on the diagnosis of the state of all functional components of their economic security. The model of creation and functioning of the Centre for training and certification of specialists in management of economic security in the financial sector of the national economy is proposed. 




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