


Introduction. Significant geopolitical transformation affect all aspects of society, including on migration processes. The processes of economic globalisation and the growing openness of economies to facilitate the exchange of human resources, which enhances their competitiveness in international labour markets. Therefore, migration issues become for Ukraine a priority.

Purpose. The purpose of this article is in identifying the characteristics of the flow of migration processes in the context of globalization and justification of ways of their optimization using with tools of logistic.

Methods. Method of analyses is used.

Results. The main features and manifestations of migration processes in the context of globalization from the point of logistics are presented in the article. The peculiarities of the migration policy organization of the globalized countries, which provoke the deregulation of migration processes and the emergence of illegal migration are revealed. The primarily bifurcation nature of the filtering of migrant workers is marked. The directions of migration movements with the use of logistic advantages of Ukraine are identified. Listed on the priority the organization end-to-end flow in migratory movement. The necessity of creating conditions for the realization of the labor potential of coming to work of foreigners and the creation of conditions for the return of labor migrants with the aim of obtaining certain benefits received from the sale abroad of experience in domestic conditions. The parameters change cooperation in international activities on the principle of «the enterprise without citizenship» with the goal of increasing the benefits of infrastructure euro logistic projects are proposed.

Originality. Characteristic features of development migration processes can be optimized with the use of logistics principles and ensure the implementation of state logistics capacity are revealed. The specified priority approach of «the enterprises without citizenship» in the development of international relations and the basic process that change the model of socio-economic and require control are revealed.

Conclusion. The intensification of the migration process in Ukraine is a natural phenomenon that accompanies the integration of the economic space of our country to the European and world economy. The appropriate response in this case is in creating the conditions for the optimal development of the migratory movement, which greatly meet the basic development goals of our state. That is, the organization of economic and legal space, which in large measure will allow to realize the resource potential of migration. The use of principles of logistics will operate effectively to manage the resources of the national economy. Promising is the study of a new kind of capital, which created migration processes –diversity capital, as a special kind of social capital, which is the ability of the society to open to the incorporation of new groups, ideas and values, which is key to sustainable development in the context of globalization, it is extremely valuable innovation resource.

